Bhartiya Aviation Services (BAS) is engaged in the aviation
recruitment services which seeks to assist the aviation
industry. GoI,MoCA has granted ‘in principle’ approval for
setting up of 18 Greenfield Airports in the country. The list
of these airport along with the estimated cost is as under:
Mopa in Goa (approx. Rs. 3100 cr), Navi Mumbai (approx. Rs.
16704 cr), Shirdi (approx. Rs. 320.54 cr) and Sindhudurg
(approx. Rs. 520 cr) in Maharashtra, Bijapur (approx. Rs. 150
cr), Gulbarga (approx. Rs. 13.78 cr in initial phase), Hasan
(approx. Rs. 592 cr) and Shimoga (approx. Rs. 38.91 cr) in
Karnataka, Kannur in Kerala (approx. Rs. 1892 cr), Durgapur in
West Bengal (approx. Rs. 670 cr), Dabra in Madhya Pradesh
(approx. Rs. 200 cr), Pakyong in Sikkim (approx. Rs. 553.53
cr), Karaikal in Puducherry (approx. Rs.170 cr), Kushinagar in
Uttar Pradesh (approx. Rs. 448 cr), Dholera in Gujarat
(approx. Rs. 1712 cr) and Dagadarthi Mendal, Nellore Dist.
(approx. Rs. 293 cr), Bhogapuram in Vizianagaram District near
Visakhapatnam (approx. Rs. 2260 cr) and Oravakallu in Kurnool
District (approx. Rs. 200 cr), Andhra Pradesh.
Forecasts from the key players in the aviation industry,
including Airbus, Boeing, International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO), International Air Transport Association
(IATA), and the BC Aviation Council, is continued growth in
all sectors of the aviation industry – both domestically and
internationally. In the next ten years, this exciting industry
is expected to see a major increase in capacity along with
opportunities for airport jobs in entry level airport
operations specialists worldwide in the aviation industry.
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Latest Updates and Alerts
For Different Department For All Airport In India
1. सोशल मीडिया पर फर्जी विज्ञप्ति द्िारा परीक्षा
के संबंध में दी र्जा रही भ्रामक र्जानकारी पर विश्िास नहीं करें। अधधकृि
र्जानकारी के ललए भारिीय एविएशन सविसि ेर्ज की
िेबसाइट ननयलमि रूप से देखें।
Do not believe the misleading information regarding the examination
being given by fake releases on social media.
Visit Indian Aviation Services website regularly for official
2. भारिीय विमानन सेिाओं के ध्यान में यह बाि आई
है कक कुछ बेईमान व्यप्ति/भिी एर्जेंलसयां भारिीय विमानन सेिाओं के नाम पर
नौकरी की पेशकश कर रही हैं। नकली ऑफर
लेटर र्जारी करके, नकली स्टेशनरी में कं पनी का नाम, लोगो और पिा का उपयोग
करके । कं पनी ने अपनी ओर से कलमियों की
भिी करने या प्रलशक्षण आदद के ललए कोई धन/कमीशन/शुल्क एकत्र करने के ललए
ककसी एर्जेंसी या व्यप्ति की सेिाएं नहीं
ली हैं।
It has come to Bhartiya Aviation Services attention that some
unscrupulous persons/recruitment agencies have
been making job offers in the name of the Bhartiya Aviation Services. by
issuing fake offer letters, using Company's
name, logo and address in fake stationery. The Company has not hired the
services of any agency or individual to
recruit personnel on its behalf or collect any money/commission/ charges
for training etc. Bhartiya Aviation
Services announces its job openings only via notifications in leading
newspapers of India and on the official
website viz., careers-current-openings.aspx.
General public is hereby advised to exercise
caution while dealing with such unscrupulous persons/ agencies.
3. भारिीय एविएशन
सवििसेर्ज ककसी भी पैसे र्जमा करने के ललए उम्मीदिारों को कोई फोन
कॉल/एसएमएस नहीं करिी है। चयननि उम्मीदिार को
के िल उसके चयन के ललए लसस्टम र्जनरेटेि एसएमएस प्राति हो रहा है।
पत्राचार, यदद कोई हो, के िल संबंधधि भिी प्राधधकारी
के माध्यम से उम्मीदिारों के साथ ककया र्जािा है। उम्मीदिारों को सलाह दी
र्जािी है कक िे अपने पंर्जीकरण नंबर और
मोबाइल नंबर का खुलासा न करें और ककसी भी बेईमान फोन कॉल से सािधान रहें।
Bhartiya Aviation Services does not make any phone calls/SMS to the
candidates for depositing any money.
Selected candidate is getting system generated SMS only for his
selection. The correspondence, if any, is made
with candidates through respective Recruiting authority only. Candidates
are advised not to disclose their
registration number and mobile numbers and be guarded against any
unscrupulous phone calls.
4. अभ्यधथियों को उनके दहि में सलाह दी र्जािी है कक िे अंनिम
निधथ से काफी पहले ऑनलाइन आिेदन र्जमा करें और अंनिम निधथ िक इंिर्जार न
करें िाकक समापन के दौरान िेबसाइट
पर भारी लोि के कारण िेबसाइट पर लॉधगन करने में असमथििा या असफलिा की
संभािना से बचा र्जा सके । ददन.
Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online
applications much before the closing date and not to
wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of
disconnection/inability or failure to login to the website on account
of heavy load on the website during the closing days.
5. आयोग द्िारा प्रकालशि ककसी भी पद के ललए आिेदन पत्र र्जमा करने के ललए
का आिेदन नंबर ही एकमात्र पंर्जीकरण संख्या है। आिेदन पत्र, परीक्षा,
साक्षात्कार आदद से संबंधधि वििरण र्जानने के ललए
कृपया "उम्मीदिार िैशबोि' ि में लॉग इन करें।
Applicant's Application number is the only registration number for
submitting application form against any post
published by the commission. Kindly login in to "Candidate Dashboard' to
know the details regarding Application
Form, Examination, Interview etc.